Single Board Computers
The following pages cover Single Board Computers with Zoneminder.
Traditionally, these are ARM based; The Raspberry Pi, The Beaglebone, and others. For those not experienced with ARM these devices perform at level below an x86 based motherboard, yet offer lower power consumption and purchase cost. When using an ARM board, it is recommended to run cameras at lower resolutions (e.g. 640x480 or 800x600), and lower frame rates. Additionally, zones should be smaller, as analysis of motion will use up CPU. Alternatively, you can avoid Modect and Mocord and use Record.
Single Board Computers (ARM) work well for a small home setup, or as an adjunct to a larger camera system. For large camera systems, they are not usually powerful enough.
There are at least three ways an SBC can be used with ZM (this also applies to any computer...)
- ZM server
- ZM client (viewing ZM and displaying feeds on a monitor)
- Camera (attached via usb or other peripheral)
As Server
- Raspberry Pi 4 - Raspbian - Uses Buster. Applicable to other RPIs that have Buster.
- Raspbian - General Raspbian info
RPI Image for ZM
There is a pre-made RPI image for Zoneminder at Based on Raspbian Lite, and tested on RPI3b.
Only adjustment needed may be to increase GPU_MEM slightly.
As Client
- Dedicated SBC Camera Monitor Beaglebone w/Devuan Jessie & Firefox
As Camera
General Tips
- Disable all logging on ARM boards, and any data collection (RECORD_EVENT_STATS - See Logging tab), if you are running a flash based HD.
When in doubt lower the following:
- Resolution
- Analysis zone size or change from Mocord to Record.
GPU Memory
User from the forum reports that adjusting GPU memory will improve RPI4 performance with ZM.
Zoneminder Blogspot - Notes on Various Single Board Computers