camera works quite well
High resolution stream:
Low resolution stream: rtsp://192.168.xx.yy:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
I am using the H264 format and TCP.
Frame rate, resolution and bit rate is set on the camera itself.
There are problems getting a stable connection for me at the highest settings. Try starting at a low frame rate and gradually increase it. I can get 10 FPS at 4MP resolution and VBR with 4096 bit rate.
Stable for me is: max resolution H264H Smart codec: ON Frame rate 10 VBR
camera works out of the box with these settings
source type: ffmpeg protocol: udp path: rtsp://<ipaddress>:554/cam1/mpeg4 width: 1280 height: 720
tcp works, but has blue screen drop outs periodically (at 6fps). No credentials are required to view the stream, by default. Default login is administrator/1234
To view the camera webpage, requires ie. ie needs an active x plugin but this fails to dl on win7. dl it manually
http://<ipaddressofcamera>/ (caps req'd).
then extract (winrar can extract) and run
the program requires UAC disabled to install (it will notify you of this) so disable uac manually (win7)
hklm/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/policies/system change EnableLUA to 0 or add it with 0 if it doesnt exist. then reboot
after that it should install (did for me) and while the live video didn't load i was able to change the frame rate to something reasonable (6). Note that ffmpeg was able to handle the 30FPS pretty well. but this was with a 1.30.4 install, so didn't want to overload it. later ZM can probably use passthrough here. camera quality: ok. (using ffmpeg) BUT periodic blue screen drop outs at 6 FPS and TCP. I later changed to UDP which resolved this.
i checked ispy for jpeg paths... nothing worked. tried them all. tried 2nd monitor 640x320 and still dropouts occurred.
source type: libVLC
didn't work. gave a null error trying to start vlc
source type: Remote
works for a bit like ffmpeg, though when blue screen appears, it doesn't reconnect, just bails. (tcp). did not try udp.
overall, it works, but setup requires windows, and is a hassle. requiring windows , i'd give this a 6 or 7/10. functional, but not perfect.
Ref: ispyconnect db