camera works quite well
High resolution stream:
Low resolution stream: rtsp://192.168.xx.yy:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
I have used both the H264H and H265 codecs and TCP.
Frame rate, resolution and bit rate is set on the camera itself.
There are problems getting a stable connection for me at the highest settings. Try starting at a very low frame rate, verify that you can see it, and gradually increase it. I can get 10 FPS at 4MP resolution and VBR with 4096 bit rate. If you change settings the and image drops out, revert to say 1 FPS to get the live feed back, and then try increasing it.
The video settings on the main stream offer something called "Smart Codec". Turning "Smart Codec" off enables a the Keyframe setting (called "I frame"). It defaults of one every two seconds (if using 10 fps, the interval defaults to 20 frames).
camera works out of the box with these settings
source type: ffmpeg protocol: udp path: rtsp://<ipaddress>:554/cam1/mpeg4 width: 1280 height: 720
tcp works, but has blue screen drop outs periodically (at 6fps). No credentials are required to view the stream, by default. Default login is administrator/1234
To view the camera webpage, requires ie. ie needs an active x plugin but this fails to dl on win7. dl it manually
http://<ipaddressofcamera>/ (caps req'd).
then extract (winrar can extract) and run
the program requires UAC disabled to install (it will notify you of this) so disable uac manually (win7)
hklm/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/policies/system change EnableLUA to 0 or add it with 0 if it doesnt exist. then reboot
after that it should install (did for me) and while the live video didn't load i was able to change the frame rate to something reasonable (6). Note that ffmpeg was able to handle the 30FPS pretty well. but this was with a 1.30.4 install, so didn't want to overload it. later ZM can probably use passthrough here. camera quality: ok. (using ffmpeg) BUT periodic blue screen drop outs at 6 FPS and TCP. I later changed to UDP which resolved this.
i checked ispy for jpeg paths... nothing worked. tried them all. tried 2nd monitor 640x320 and still dropouts occurred.
source type: libVLC
didn't work. gave a null error trying to start vlc
source type: Remote
works for a bit like ffmpeg, though when blue screen appears, it doesn't reconnect, just bails. (tcp). did not try udp.
overall, it works, but setup requires windows, and is a hassle. requiring windows , i'd give this a 6 or 7/10. functional, but not perfect.
Ref: ispyconnect db