External Live Stream

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Here is an html file you might use in a ZM client Desktop SBC Camera Monitor to view the streams from the ZM Server. You will need to adjust the resolution, number of cameras, and monitor id of the URL to your setup.

In my experience, Clients viewing the Streams (up to 3 clients, with 20+ cameras) do not slow down the ZM Server.

For more details, see Dummies_Guide#Watching_the_Cameras

Webpage to View Streams (non-API)

In 1.32 and 1.34, you may have to adjust the following setting for auth_relay if authentication is used. Note that this conflicts with ZMNinja, which requires auth_relay to be set to hashed, I believe.

Post by rockedge» Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:09 pm
in a WordPress page or post I use something like this: Remember that 
with certain authorizations set, the URL would be slightly different.
this URL works when :
Options->System->OPT_USE_AUTH = ON
Options->System->AUTH_TYPE = Builtin
Options->System->AUTH_RELAY = NONE

<h2><img class="aligncenter" 
src="http://your_zm_server/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&scale=100&maxfps=5&buffer=1000&monitor=1&user=admin" alt="stream down" width="420" height="340" /></h2>


Note that this URL omits password. But it is given in the top example.

<html><body bgcolor="black">
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=1&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=2&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=3&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=4&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=5&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >
<img width="412px" height="268px" src="http://IPOFZMSERVER/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=6&scale=100"&user="watchinguser"&pass="somepassword" >

Webpage to View Streams (API)

Here's an example of setting up a stream on a webpage using the API. This is better if you use ZMNinja, as it doesn't require adjusting the auth configs as above (which will break zmninja). First, understand there are three parts to this.

  • A script that runs on the server, obtains a recent valid token for the stream, and stream edits (sed) it into an index.php file
  • An index.php file that is always available online
  • A crontab entry to periodically run the script

You may want to password protect / setup basic auth on the webserver if this is wan-accessible. For reference, see the zoneminder.readthedocs.org section regarding the API.

  • script
#!/bin/bash -x
cd /etc/zmscript && curl -X POST -d "user=username&pass=password" http://localhost/zm/api/host/login.json > cred
cd /etc/zmscript && cat cred | jq .access_token | tr -d \" > token
cd /etc/zmscript && res=$(cat token)

# sed -i -e 's/whole line/whole line'
sed -i  -e "s|token=.*|token=$res' \\>|" /var/www/nginx/index.php
  • index.php
    <script type="text/javascript" >
  setInterval(function() {
                }, 1800000); 
<img src='https://yourserverwanipordns/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?scale=200&width=640p&height=480px&mode=jpeg&maxfps=12&buffer=1000&&monitor=1&token=sometokengoeshere' >

  • /etc/crontab entry
*/15 *  * * *  root  /etc/zmscript/script.sh


Quickly Change pixel settings for page

It should be possible to use CSS and have the videos fill the page appropriately (I haven't gotten around to it. Contributions welcome.) but it's also possible to use sed here to adjust the pixels as needed:

sed -e 's/oldpx/newpx/g' -i cameras.html

Refresh Page Periodically

Refreshing the page is a good idea, so that any streams don't drop out for any reason. You can do this with xdotool (see Dedicated_SBC_Camera_Monitor#Refresh_Screen_Periodically )or possibly with html:[1]

Js isn't necessarily needed here, since you will only be refreshing every couple of minutes. Though you can use js for a more seamless transition.

Scale may be required for large numbers of cameras or SBCs

See that scale=100 option in the URL? That is used to downscale or downsample the video stream resolution. But, since you set the height and width, it won't make the video smaller. If you have a 2K stream, but you are viewing it at 640x480, you don't need 100% scaling. Lower the number to keep the bandwidth / memory usage down.

Where this is required, is when you have a lot of monitors, say 20+ cameras. Or you have an SBC that can't handle full res streams. In these scenarios, if you don't scale, you will either see the CPU max out on the watching computer, or you will see video feeds drop in and out periodically. For more details, see how ZM handles the URL for montage.

Single Snapshot URL

The URL for a single snapshot is:


Adjust Monitor # as needed. (Also see note in setup section above).

Alternative Single Snapshop JPG via ZMU

zmu is a binary, along with zma, and zmc that can do various functions. One of them is creating a jpeg.

/usr/bin# zmu -h
zmu <-d device_path> [-v] [function] [-U<username> -P<password>]
zmu <-m monitor_id> [-v] [function] [-U<username> -P<password>]
General options:
  -h, --help           : This screen
  -v, --verbose          : Produce more verbose output
  -i, --image [image_index]    : Write captured image to disk as <monitor_name>.jpg, last image captured
                   or specified ring buffer index if given.

I put a full usage example here: https://wiki.zoneminder.com/How_to_view_the_latest_frame_of_a_camera


It is possible to use ffplay to directly stream a single camera feed (bypassing ZM) to the desktop. Although refreshing may be more involved.

ffplay -i rtsp://user:Password@ipaddress:554/video

See Also