Airlink 101
Airlink101 AIC250 settings for 2 fps as JPG stream: to use this camera with Zoneminder with JPG stream, use these settings for the Monitor: "hostname = <ip of camera>", "path = /video.jpg", use these settings for Options: "ffmpeg" as encoder, "jpg" stream and not mpeg. Select the right resolution for the camera, such as 640x480. To set the resolution for the camera, use a web browser and go to the configuration pages http://<ip of camera>. While in the configuration pages, delete the username and password to get the camera to work with these settings. Save the camera configuration.
AIC250W - Just remember to turn off PCRE processing in the Options > Network tab. http://x.x.x.x/video.cgi gives 10 fps 640 x 480 mjpeg feed. Same camera as D-Link DCS-900W / TrendNet IP-200