Third Party Patches
ffmpeg RTSP authentication patch
This patches the ffmpeg libraries to allow RTSP sources to use Basic Authentication if required. This patch will be available via the ffmpeg SVN at some point.
Unified third party patchset zm branch
Not exactly a patch but a patched branch starting from zoneminder 1.25 including a lot of patches from different developers.
Actually applied patches are:
- masterofknife's performances patchset
- plugin patches
- updated support for latest ffmpeg version
- various fixes
And plugins:
- face detection plugin
- license plate recognition plugin (alpha version)
The compiling instructions are identical to the one of the masterofknife's branch:
There are also some fundraising to get other plugins and developement of various patches continue, partially financed by an italian company here:
Fundraising are for developement of various plugins based on OpenCV like human body recognition, face detection and recognition, but also to patch zm to add audio support and so on.
For info please ask nextime on IRC on the zoneminder channel on freenode.