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Trendnet TV-IP100 works ok. http://x.x.x.x/video.cgi


great little wireless camera with digital zoom

Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@x.x.x.x (admin:admin is the default user/pass)
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /MJPEG.CGI

TV-IP110 & TV-IP110W

Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: <username>:<password>@x.x.x.x
Remote host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 640
Capture Height: 480

The capture height and width can be changed using the camera's web interface by modifying the "Video Quality" setting.

VGA = 640 x 480
QVGA = 320 x 240
QQVGA = 160 x 120

TV-IP201P and TV-IP201W

Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@x.x.x.x (admin:admin is the default user/pass and is the default IP)
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /goform/capture


Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@x.x.x.x (admin:admin is the default)
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi

TV-IP262P and TV-IP262PI

The TV-IP262P and PI are megapixel indoor fixed position cameras with has night vision via IR for up to 12m. The PI model supports Power over Ethernet (PoE).

for mjpeg:

Source Type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP address of camera>
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi

You can also get higher framerates using mpeg4 with ffmpeg, but I was getting the occasional false motion detect due to image noise with this:

Source Type: Ffmpeg
Maximum FPS: empty
Alarm Maximum FPS: empty
Source Path: rtsp://user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>/mpeg4  (see below for other encodings)
Capture width (pixels): 1280
Capture height (pixels): 1024

You can use 3GPP instead of mpeg4 if you enable it in the camera, but the image quality is horrible and it isn't useful for motion detection. If you change the image with in the camera settings, change the width and height above to match. The frame rate should be left blank and set only in the camera settings via. the camera's admin interface.


Just remember to turn 1.0 in ZM_HTTP_VERSION in the Options > Network tab. In the x.x.x.x/cgi-bin/video.jpg gives 352 x 240 jpg.


This camera sends the wrong mime/type and is not compatible with ZoneMinder natively but can be made to work.


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: <username>:<password>@<local ip/domain name>
Remote host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi
Remote Image Colors: 24 bit color
Capture Width: 1280
Capture Height: 1024

This is the config that worked for me hope it helps.

TV-IP400 / TV-IP400W

These are cheap but fun Pan Tilt Zoom IP cameras and are now also supported by ZoneMinder.

New Driver and instructions for ZM 1.23.x :

Older Driver and instructions for 1.22.x: The above link is missing the "Move" tab when creating the control. You need to select "Can Move", "Can Move Diagonally" and "Can Move Relative".

TV-IP410 and TV-IP410W

These are cheap but fun Pan Tilt Zoom IP cameras and are now also supported by ZoneMinder. Look at

Remote Host Path: /cgi/jpg/image.cgi --> is not very fast...

Better use /cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi --> 20 Frames/s much more fun ;)



Info from (in French)

JPEG stills streaming seems to be very slow.


Tab/Label MJPEG Stream JPEG Stills
Remote Host Name [<USER>:<PASS>@]<CAM IP/HOSTNAME>
Remote Host Port 80
Remote Host Path /cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi
(not "/mjpeg.cgi" because of its broken MIME type)


This camera works just like the IP400 without the PTZ contols.

Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@x.x.x.x (admin:admin is the default user/pass)
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /MJPEG.CGI


the Trendnet IP501W works. Here are the settings

Source Type: Remote

Remote Protocol: HTTP

Remote Method: Simple

Remote Host Name: username:password@IP-address

Remote Host Port: 80

Remote Path: /video.cgi


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Source Type: Remote
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80 (Default)
Remote Host Path: /video/mjpg.cgi (for mjpeg stream)
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi (for a single jpeg frame)
Source Type: ffmpeg
Source Path: rtsp://user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>/play1.sdp (or play2.sdp)

ZoneMinder 1.24.2 (Haven't tried earlier versions)

RTSP works with ffmpeg as above pulling 30fps when camera set to 30fps for that Profile.

Alternatively, the monitor can be configured:

Source Type: Remote
Remote Protocol: RTSP
Remote Method: RTP/Unicast
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 554
Remote Host Path: /play1.sdp

When using the above ffmpeg RTSP and camera is set to Night Mode using the 30fps setting fps drop to 15fps in the dark as per the warning that this may happen at low light levels.


The TV-IP512WN is pretty much the same device as TV-IP512P. It features an additional WLAN interface and can be used with the same settings as the TV-IP512P.


Warning: even though this is a 'MegaPixel' camera, it has a very wide-angle lens so the image detail isn't very high. Furthermore, replacement 1/2" lenses seem to be hard to find.

ZM configuration is similar to TV-IP512P (above) except the 522 has multiple video profiles, which should be specified as

Remote Host Path: /video/mjpg.cgi?profileid=1

(1, 2, or 3, depending on the desired profile)

Also be sure to set Capture Width and Capture Height appropriately.

MPEG and RTSP were not tested but the camera does support them.


Source Type: Remote
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80 (Default)
Remote Host Path: /video/mjpg.cgi (for mjpeg stream)
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi (for a single jpeg frame)


The TV-IP572PI is a wired network only indoor camera that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) and night viewing mode (to 7.5 meters) with 4 IR LED's. (The TV-IP572P does not have the night viewing mode, but is otherwise identical).

It supports 5fps 1280x800 simple HTTP image capture using:

Source Type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi OR /video/mjpg.cgi

It supports higher framerate H.264 capture via RTSP using Ffmpeg:

Source Type: Ffmpeg
Maximum FPS: empty
Alarm Maximum FPS: empty
Source Path: rtsp://user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>/play1.sdp
Capture width (pixels): 1280
Capture height (pixels): 720

You must leave the FPS limits off when using H.264 capture. Note that play1.sdp (as well as play2.sdp, and play3.sdp) are user-configurable on the web interface of the camera. 1280x800 video at 30 frames per second can overload a simple Zoneminder server, especially if you have multiple cameras. Loads of 0.9 have been observed on an older NetBurst-based 3.4GHz Xeon using the factory defaults on the camera. Rather than ratchet down the FPS on Zoneminder's end (which causes weird issues when capturing H.264) you should do so at the camera. A more reasonable load of 0.3 has been observed on the aforementioned Xeon with play1.sdp configured as follows: H.264, 1280x800, 10FPS, CBR, 2 Mbps. Of course, your mileage may vary. You can also reduce the resolution with the camera's settings if you're after a higher frame rate - be sure to match the resolution on Zoneminder's end.


The TV-IP651W is a network indoor PTZ camera. The WI model supports night viewing mode with 4 IR LED's. Can be used wired or wireless with 802.11n.

Source Type: Remote
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80 (Default)
Remote Host Path: /video/mjpg.cgi (for mjpeg stream)
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi (for a single jpeg frame)

Resolution, mjpeg compression, and frame rate can all be controlled via configuration options in the web setup.

(Tested on zoneminder v1.25.0.)


The home position of the Trendnet TV-IP651W(I) camera is not settable, and as a result will always return to its default home position upon any reason for a reboot (power failure, crash, etc.). As a result, this camera should be considered unusable for any security use above a simple baby monitor.

TV-IP672P and TV-IP672PI

The TV-IP672PI is a network indoor PTZ camera that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) and night viewing mode (to 7.5 meters) with 6 IR LED's. (The TV-IP672P does not have the night viewing mode, but is otherwise identical.) Can be used wired or wireless.

It supports 5fps 1280x800 simple HTTP image capture using:

Source Type: Remote
Remote Protocol: HTTP
Remote Method: Simple
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi OR /video/mjpg.cgi

It supports higher framerate H.264 capture via RTSP using ffmpeg:

Source Type: Ffmpeg
Maximum FPS: empty
Alarm Maximum FPS: empty
Source Path: rtsp://user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>/play1.sdp
Capture width (pixels): 1280
Capture height (pixels): 800

You must leave the FPS limits off on Zoneminder when using H.264 capture. play1.sdp (as well as play2.sdp, and play3.sdp) are user-configurable via the web interface of the camera. If rate limiting is necessary, it should be accomplished via the camera's config rather than Zoneminder's. You may reduce the resolution via the camera's video config if you're after a high frame rate with low Zoneminder load, but be sure to mirror the resolution in the Zoneminder config.

(Tested on zoneminder v1.25.0.)

For PTZ and IR control you need the TV-IP672PI_Control_Script and these settings:

Under control capability:

  Main:  name it (suggest TVIP672PI), type is FFMPEG, protocol is TVIP672PI
  Move:  Can move, can move diagonally, can move mapped, can move relative
  Pan:  Can pan
  Tilt:  Can tilt
  Presets:  Has presets, num presets 20, has home preset  (don't set presets via camera's web server, only set via ZM.)

Under control tab in the monitor itself:

  Control type is the name you gave it in control capability above
  Control device is the password you use to authenticate to the camera  (see script comments if you need to change the username from "admin")
  Control address is the camera's ip address AND web port.  example:

(PTZ script tested on zoneminder 1.26.5)


(Copied from TV-IP551WC and updated.)

Source Type: Remote
Remote Host Name: user:pass@<IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Name: <IP Address of Camera>
Remote Host Port: 80 (Default)
Remote Host Path: /video/mjpg.cgi (for mjpeg stream)
Remote Host Path: /image/jpeg.cgi (for a single jpeg frame)

- tested on zm v1.25.0, Kubuntu 12.04LTS
- user:pass not working within zm, but does from browser.
- works fine with authentication turned off.
- seems to indicate that authentication is not going to work. (At least in Motion, but if not in Motion I assume likely not in zm, either.)