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QD900 settings

For RTSP feed, set ZM source to ffmpeg (or libvlc, but in my testing libvlc is less reliable).

Configuring it via FFMPEG

  • General
    • Source Type-->Ffmpeg
  • Source
    • Source Path
      • For primary stream: rtsp://<cameraip>:554/11

Configuring it via MJPEG

  • General
    • Source Type-->Remote
  • Source
    • Remote Protocol
      • HTTP
    • Remote Method
      • Simple
    • Remote Host Name
      • <camera ip>
    • Remote Port
      • 80
    • Remote Host Path
      • /cgi-bin/hi3510/snap.cgi?&-getstream&-chn=1

QD300 settings

In camera settings

Note: these are settings I made directly in the camera's UI - I did not install Escam's CMS software

QD300 allows you to configure both a primary and secondary stream. You can set it up in the "device config->Encode" section of the camera

In this example, I've enabled the primary stream and disabled the secondary stream. You can enable both. Note that I've set the FPS to 3 as its a good idea to reduce FPS in-camera and not ZoneMinder. Set it to a value that makes sense for you.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

ZoneMinder settings

You can either configure the camera using FFmpeg or native RTSP

Configuring it via FFMPEG

  • General
    • Source Type-->Ffmpeg
  • Source
    • Source Path
      • For primary stream: rtsp://<cameraip>:554/user=<username>&password=<password>&channel=1&stream=0.sdp
      • For secondary stream: rtsp://<cameraip>:554/user=<username>&password=<password>&channel=2&stream=0.sdp
    • Remote Method: RTP/RTSP
    • Options: keep empty
    • Target colorspace: 32 bit
    • Capture Width and Height
      • For primary stream: 1280 and 720
      • For secondary stream: if you are using CIF, its 352 and 288 respectively

You don't need to change anything else

Configuring it via native RTSP

Note that using the native RTSP player in ZM results in error frames while decoding what seems to be key frames.

Here is the error I see (even though it actually seems to perform better than FFMPEG mode)

zmc_m7[27558]: ERR [Error while decoding frame 1116]
zmc_m7[27558]: ERR [8: 00 00 01 06 e5 01 2c 80]

  • General
    • Source Type-->Remote
  • Source
    • Remote Protocol: RTSP
    • Remote Method: RTP/RTSP
    • Remote Host Name: <IP address of FQDN of camera>
    • Remote Host Port: 554
    • Remote Host Path:
      • For primary stream: /user=<username>&password=<password>&channel=1&stream=0.sdp
      • For secondary stream: /user=<username>&password=<password>&channel=1&stream=0.sdp
    • Target colorspace: 32 bit
    • Capture Width and Height
      • For primary stream: 1280 and 720
      • For secondary stream: if you are using CIF, its 352 and 288 respectively

You don't need to change anything else